
How to Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes Last

How to Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes Last

First thing is to start small. It’s really hard to make huge changes by yourself. So, I recommend starting out by taking one small step. For example:

Set a goal to drink more water. Most of us don’t drink enough water. One or two glasses of water a day aren’t enough. Drink four or five glasses of water throughout the day. If you are thirsty, your body is telling you are extremely dehydrated. Also, water is a natural moisturizer for your skin and can improve digestion when you add fresh lemon or lime juice. So, look better and feel better with this one simple small step.

Second, incorporate one new activity at a time until you have it integrated into your schedule. For example:

Once you are on track drinking more water, focus on moving more. Most of us sit at a desk all day. Make moving more your new focus and commitment. If you work at your desk, set a reminder every 30 to 45 minutes to take a brief break from sitting—stretch, run an errand, or get a glass of water—be creative. Also, consider ways you can adjust your regular routine to add more movement— walk to the metro, take the stairs instead of the elevator, change your parking habit so you have to walk further or try out a new activity like tennis, hiking, climbing, rowing or dancing.

Third, get a friend, coworker or family member to join you. This will make it more fun and interesting. Consider:

  • Getting a group of friends together who are interested in healthy eating. Share recipes, cook together, have healthy dinner parties. Be sure to have the focus around eating more vegetables and proteins like fish, meat tofu and nuts and reducing starches and sugar.
  • Asking someone to exercise with you or join you on bike rides or hikes.
  • Joining a social group that plays tennis or golf. Or, get active around activities that you have fun doing with a partner.
  • Having a specific person as an accountability buddy to support and encourage you.
  • If stress management is an issue, join a meditation or yoga class. You will be surprised how learning to slow down and turn off the mental chatter can change your life.

Last, be sure to pay attention to your posture and alignment. Take time to:

  • Check your posture while seated. Is your butt and shoulders against the back of your chair? If not, adjust your posture.
  • Check the angle and height of your computer monitor to reduce neck and eye strain.
  • Check out our January blog post that shares 5 ways you can assess your posture and spinal alignment.

Of course, getting a regular check up with your chiropractor to validate your progress will help you stay on track. At our practice, we encourage our patients to get a wellness exam once a year.

Dr. Steven Trauben is the founder of King Street Chiropractic Wellness Center, a pain relief and wellness center located in Alexandria, Virginia. He has been practicing just outside Washington DC for over twenty years. The center offers affordable comprehensive care programs for optimal wellness through chiropractic care, exercise, massage, nutrition & meditation. If you’re interested in speaking with Dr. Trauben, you can call (703) 454-5180 to schedule an appointment or you can book an appointment online

King Street Wellness is now an RxWellness practice. Visit RxWellness Spine & Health for personalized, natural care.
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